UPT Pusat Perpustakaan UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan | Galeri Buku Digital :: OPAC


 Halaman Pertama   Sebelumnya   16   17   18   19   20   Berikutnya   Halaman Akhir 

The muslim question in Europe : political controversies and public philosophies

Pengarang : Peter O'Brien -
Deskripsi Fisik : x, 308 hlm.

Marginality : addressing the nexus of poverty, exclusion and ecology

Pengarang : Joachim von Braun - Franz W. Gatzweiler -
Deskripsi Fisik : xvii, 389 hlm.

Becoming muslim in imperial Russia : conversion, apostasy, and literacy

Pengarang : Agnes Nilufer Kefeli -
Deskripsi Fisik : xxii, 290 hlm.

New directions in development economics: growth, environmental concerns and government in the 1990s

Pengarang : Mats Lundahl - Benno Ndulu -
Deskripsi Fisik : xxvi, 476 hlm.

Representation in cognitive science

Pengarang : Nicholas Shea -
Deskripsi Fisik : xii, 292 hlm.

Applicable law in investor–state : arbitration the interplay between national and international law

Pengarang : Hege Elisabeth Kjos -
Deskripsi Fisik : xxviii, 314 hlm.

Public administration in Ethiopia : case studies and lessons for sustainable development

Pengarang : Bacha Kebede Debela - Geert Bouckaert - Meheret Ayenew Warota - Dereje Terefe Gemechu -
Deskripsi Fisik : 702 hlm.

The psychology of becoming a successful worker: research on the changing nature of achievement at work

Pengarang : Kaarina Määttä - Satu Uusiautti -
Deskripsi Fisik : ix, 146 hlm.

The evolution of language : towards gestural hypotheses

Pengarang : Przemyslaw Zywiczynski - Slawomir Wacewicz -
Deskripsi Fisik : 288 hlm.
 Halaman Pertama   Sebelumnya   16   17   18   19   20   Berikutnya   Halaman Akhir 

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Ditemukan 288 dari pencarian Anda melalui kata kunci: Subject : "V"
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