Domestic courts and the interpretation of international law : methods and reasoning based on the Swiss example
Deskripsi Fisik : xviii, 383 hlm.
Common principles of european intellectual property law
Deskripsi Fisik : viii, 272 hlm.
Reinsurance and the law of aggregation : event, occurrence, cause
Deskripsi Fisik : xxvii, 207 hlm.
Discrimination at work : comparing European, French, and American law
Deskripsi Fisik : xxi, 362 hlm.
Terrorism, criminal law and politics : the decline of the political offence exception to extradition
Deskripsi Fisik : x, 289 hlm.
Accountability and the law : rights, authority and transparency of public power
Deskripsi Fisik : x, 223 hlm.
Law's anthropology : from ethnography to expert testimony in native title
Deskripsi Fisik : x, 326 hlm.
Contemporary issues in human rights law : Europe and Asia
Deskripsi Fisik : x, 219 hlm.
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Ditemukan 58 dari pencarian Anda melalui kata kunci: Subject : "Law"
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